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Forms markup and CSS - Revisited
A flexible, semantically correct, accessible form template
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Introducing Firebug 1
A firefox extension that lets you edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page
User rating: CSS Documentation Helper
Search CSS documentation using a based auto complete search
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What is holding User Experience back or propelling User Experience forward where you work?
Are any of those akin to "anchors" holding User Experience back where you work?
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Interview with PhotoMatt designer Nicolo Volpato
Andrew Faulkner of Fadtastic interviews he who designed PhotoMatt, Nicolo Volpato
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Information Design redux
The importance of information design (ID) as a discipline with much to loan other design disciplines
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‘Most websites’ failing disabled
Most of the leading websites around the world are failing to provide the most basic accessibility standards
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Sexy CSS Hover Button
A big button which gave the illusion of being pressed in when a user hovered the mouse over it
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Keeping CSS file sizes lean for practicality and sport
One of the benefits touted by separating style from structure is smaller html file sizes